File #: 13-0354    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 6/18/2013 In control: Board of Aldermen
On agenda: 6/25/2013 Final action:
Title: Request for a Minor Modification to the CUP for Bank of America PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Board to consider approving a CUP Minor Modification request for Bank of America, located at 104 East Main Street. The request involves changing an existing drive-up lane with a drive-up automatic tell machine (ATM), and installing additional lights near the ATM for enhanced security.
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Resolution Approving the Minor Modification, 2. Attachment B - Minor Modification Plans, 3. Attachment C - Letter From Bank of America
TITLE: Title
Request for a Minor Modification to the CUP for Bank of America
PURPOSE:  The purpose of this item is for the Board to consider approving a CUP Minor Modification request for Bank of America, located at 104 East Main Street.  The request involves changing an existing drive-up lane with a drive-up automatic tell machine (ATM), and installing additional lights near the ATM for enhanced security.
DEPARTMENT: Planning Department
CONTACT INFORMATION: Marty Roupe, 918-7333
INFORMATION: Bank of America at 104 East Main Street recently submitted an application involving replacing an existing drive-up lane, near the Roberson Street side of the site, with a drive-up ATM (See attached).  In further explanation, the site currently contains two drive-up service opportunities behind the main bank building.  One lane is a drive-up window where the customer faces the bank employee behind a window; the other involves service via a pneumatic tube that goes to a second bank employee housed in the same outdoor service area.  The current proposal would replace the pneumatic tube service lane with a drive-up ATM.  The ATM will be placed on an existing concrete island.  The other drive-up lane will remain in service as well.  A walk-up ATM also exists on the site.
The above background information is also important to note because subsequent to construction of the bank, the Town amended the Land Use Ordinance to prohibit drive-up services in the downtown zoning districts.  The LUO amendment caused this aspect of the Bank of America site to become nonconforming.  Staff considered the matter at length and ultimately determined the requested change represents an evolution in technology, rather than an increase in the extent of nonconformity on the site.  This conclusion was reached after considering that two drive-up service opportunities will exist before and after the change is made.
Also discussed and considered by staff was the question of how this change in technology may affect air quality and the number of customers served.  The bank provided information explaining some of the differences between ATM services and traditional drive-up services (See attached).  It is difficult to predict how many customers may use the drive-up ATM, especially with respect to determining how many customers currently using the walk-up ATM may choose to use the drive-up ATM instead, but the bank's information shows an average idle-time savings of approximately 30 seconds for customers using a drive-up ATM compared to using a drive-up service lane.  Also of note is that the time services will be available, at the one drive-up lane, will expand from bank hours (approximately 8 am - 5 pm) to 24 hours.  Again, it is difficult to say precisely how many customers may choose to utilize the new drive-up ATM after-hours the drive-up lane is currently available.  Considering, however, that a walk-up ATM already exists on the site, the presumption is that some after-hours customers may choose to use the drive-up lane instead of walking up to the existing ATM or individuals who would drive up when tellers are working may choose to drive up at other times instead.  In other words, the timing of visitors may spread more evenly throughout the day as a result on the ATM being installed.  If this is the case, then it is possible that a small positive change may occur relating to traffic impacts in the area.
The other change requested at this time involves the addition of four (4) wall-mounted lights and two (2) pole-mounted lights.  All proposed lights appear to meet the LUO's standards for outdoor lighting in this location.  Staff discussed with the applicant whether the additional lights were necessary with respect to minimizing outdoor light pollution.  The applicant responded saying that the bank feels the lights are needed to enhance security and provide a safe environment for customers using the ATM during nighttime hours.  They also noted that they are providing less lighting than the bank typically requires around a drive-up ATM, in order to meet Carrboro's lighting standards.
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: No fiscal impacts are associated with consideration of this item.  Staff impacts involve review time.
RECOMMENDATION:r Town staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached resolution approving the Minor Modification request.