TITLE: Title
Orange County Recovery and Transformation Plan Update
PURPOSE: To receive an update on the Orange County Recovery and Transformation Plan.
DEPARTMENT: Town Manager’s Office
CONTACT INFORMATION: David Andrews, Town Manager, dandrews@townofcarrboro.org <mailto:dandrews@townofcarrboro.org>; Rebecca Buzzard, Special Projects Manager, rbuzzard@townofcarrboro.org
INFORMATION: The town has been participating in a countywide recovery planning effort jointly funded by Orange County, Chapel Hill, Hillsborough, and Carrboro through CARES funds. On May 4, 2021 <https://carrboro.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4930155&GUID=33ED24A5-1EB6-458E-9CA0-5AE89C4D0CE5&Options=ID|Text|&Search=recovery> the Town Council received a presentation on the draft plan, provided feedback on the overall plan, and commented on specific goals, strategies and initiatives. All of the feedback from the elected bodies in the region has been compiled, and summarized/synthesized by the Project Management Team and will be incorporated into an appendix of the document. The Project Management Team wrote a memo response (Attachment A) to the elected bodies. Specific questions that were asked during the meetings will be addressed in a forthcoming frequently asked questions document (FAQ). The team will work during the summer to bring the feedback and FAQ document to the Recovery Support Functions for review and recommendation.
Background: In May 2020, the Town Council received a report by Travis Myren, Orange County Deputy County Manager, outlining the recovery planning process. In the November 10, 2020 agenda <https://carrboro.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4688915&GUID=B6969C1F-DBBC-4180-94F9-3A0B02499116&Options=ID|Text|&Search=recovery>, a progress report was provided to the Town Council that outlined the project development, presented draft goals, and clarified the next steps in the process.
The goal of the recovery planning effort is to reduce weaknesses in the County’s critical physical, social, and institutional systems - while creating a brighter future for all residents. The effort began with community input received from surveys, workshops, and focus groups that helped to describe and quantify the impacts of COVID-19. A diverse stakeholder group was formed to help design goals and initiatives addressing these impacts. As part of this effort, a training was also held for community partners on cost recovery, specifically focused on funding programs available to promote community resilience.
More information on the process and the plan itself can be found at <https://www.orangencforward.org/resources/>
The plan’s five goals are:
• Address fundamental needs of all residents.
• Create safe, stable, and affordable housing solutions.
• Promote a dynamic, equitable, and sustainable economic recovery.
• Streamline access to community-based resources.
• Combat the negative effects of social distancing to promote community healing.
The Plan looks at these goals from the following perspectives: Economic, Housing, Human Services, Health, Natural and Cultural Resources, Community Planning and Capacity Building, and Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Information.
The Plan was created with significant efforts to reach communities of color and underserved populations and takes into consideration the impacts of the pandemic with a racial equity focus. This Plan directly relates to the GARE planning effort currently underway.
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: The plan identifies potential funding sources for implementation. Some of the efforts are ongoing and have dedicated funding; other strategies require additional funding. The plan will help guide the use of American Rescue Plan Act funding.
RECOMMENDATION:r Staff recommends that the Town Council accept this update. The intent is for each jurisdiction to formally endorse the plan in the fall after the Recovery Support Functions have all had a chance to review the elected official’s comments.