2025 Clean Fuels Advanced Technology Grant
PURPOSE: This agenda item seeks approval from council to apply for the 2025 Clean Fuels Advanced Technology Grant. This grant is administered by the NC Clean Energy Technology Center at NC State University with federal funding provided by the NC Department of Transportation.
DEPARTMENT: Climate Action and Finance
Council Direction
___ Race/Equity __X__ Climate __X__ Comprehensive Plan ____Other
Council Direction Statement
Although this grant is federally funded, the NC Clean Technology Center confirmed as of 2/19/25 that federal funding freezes are not expected to affect this grant.
The Clean Fuel Advanced Technology Grant aligns with several of Town Council’s strategic objectives. This program would support implementation of the Comprehensive plan as well as the Community Action Climate Plan. The Carrboro Connects Comprehensive Plan <https://www.carrboronc.gov/DocumentCenter/View/12199/Carrboro-Connects-Plan-ADOPTED-2022-06-09-compressed?bidId=> was developed with the foundational themes of race and equity and climate action. Chapter 10: Municipal Operations, recommends reducing greenhouse gas emissions due to municipal fleet operations. One strategy mentioned is to replace internal combustion vehicles with electric vehicles.
This grant will support the implementation of the Energy and Climate Protection Plan <https://www.townofcarrboro.org/DocumentCenter/View/8962/Energy-and-Climate-Protection-Plan---Updated-Oct-2020> (ECPP). The ECPP is a companion to the Community Action Climate Plan. It shares a similar goal (reducing 2010 emissions 80% by 2030) but focuses on the Town’s municipal carbon footprint. The Town’s fleet is responsible for emitting 50% of the Town’s total emissions. Using data from its most recent municipal greenhouse gas emissions inventory (2022), fuel usage by the Town fleet has increased 15% since 2012. Converting vehicles to electric will have a large impact on the Town’s overall carbon footprint. This project will also contribute to local air quality improvement and positively impact on human health. This grant will also assist the Town in implementing its recent Fleet Alternative Fuels Analysis.
INFORMATION: This project aims to replace thirteen gas-powered fleet vehicles, two sedans and eleven light-duty trucks, with all-electric, zero emission vehicles, and to purchase an auxiliary power unit (APU) for one fire engine. APUs reduce emissions related to idling by powering the vehicle’s electric systems with a smaller, dedicated electric engine when the main engine is turned off. Replacing these vehicles, which are scheduled for replacement in FY26, and reducing idling related emissions will make a significant contribution to achieving the town's climate action goals. By adopting zero-emission technology for town vehicles, Carrboro affirms its pledge to a sustainable future.
The Town of Carrboro has a long-standing commitment to climate action. Carrboro’s Energy and Climate Protection Plan outlines a goal of reducing 2010 levels of municipal emissions 80% by 2030. The plan recommends that the Town convert trucks and larger vehicles to electric vehicles when appropriate models are available. In addition, the Carrboro Connects Comprehensive Plan recommends reducing greenhouse gas emissions due to municipal fleet operations by replacing gas-powered vehicles with electric.
The Town’s fleet is responsible for producing 50% of the Town’s total emissions. Using data from its most recent municipal greenhouse gas emissions inventory (2022), fuel usage by the Town fleet has increased 15% since 2012. Converting vehicles to all electric, zero emission vehicles will have a large impact on the Town’s overall carbon footprint. This project will also contribute to local air quality improvement and positively impact on human health. This grant will also assist the Town in implementing its recent Fleet Alternative Fuels Analysis.
Fiscal and Staff Impact
Total Cost Projected for 13 Vehicle Replacements and 1 APU for Fire Engine in FY26 CIP Budget: $732,281
Total Grant Amount, if Awarded: $104,467
Total Projected Town Responsibility: $637,813
Note that this grant is set up as a reimbursement. The Town must first purchase the equipment and then be reimbursed. The total cost should be included in the FY2026 CIP Budget.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that council approve staff to apply for the 2025 Clean Fuel Advanced Technology Grant