Contract Amendment with DRMP for schedule extension related to Preliminary Engineering Services for South Greensboro Street Sidewalk (TIP# C-5650)
PURPOSE: The contract for DRMP, formerly Ramey Kemp & Associates, the design firm preparing the bid documents for the South Greensboro Street sidewalk is scheduled to expire at the end of the 2024. The purpose of this agenda item is to authorize the Town Manager to execute a contract amendment with DRMP in order to complete the preliminary design and associated bid documents.
DEPARTMENT: Planning and Finance departments
Council Direction
_X__ Race/Equity __X__ Climate __X__ Comprehensive Plan __X__Other
Council Direction Statement
The South Greensboro Street sidewalk will provide improved pedestrian safety along a major north-south corridor into Carrboro. The project is included in the Comprehensive Plan as a priority project of advancing multimodal travel options which will further the Town’s efforts toward climate action and race/equity. Pocket questions were completed in relation to a recent update to the capital project ordinance - see <https://carrboro.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=6643194&GUID=661ADF5A-4400-44FF-B6B0-89EB0FC3AB5D&Options=&Search=>.
INFORMATION: [The Town has engaged DRMP, formerly known as Ramey Kemp & Associates (RKA) to provide preliminary design services for a new section of sidewalk extending along the west side of South Greensboro Street from the north end of Old Pittsboro Road to Public Works Drive. The project includes an assessment and development of pavement marking plan for the installation of new bike lanes from the roundabout at South Green through the underpass to the Smith Level Road bridge. During the review of the sidewalk plans at 65-percent design, the Town learned of a potential conflict with the proposed drop-inlets associated with the stormwater management system and an existing 6-inch OWASA waterline. An agenda item was provided to the Town Council on November 16, 2021, to discuss options, associated costs, and to request authorization to seek additional funding.
After a series of discussions with OWASA, DRMP and NCDOT it was determined that the existing 6-inch AC waterline would be replaced with a new ductal iron pipe (DIP) as part of the project. Additional design work relating to the waterline is underway. A contract extension is needed to complete the preliminary design and associated bid documents (construction plans, specifications, permits, etc.).
It should be noted that NCDOT has requested expanding the project scope to include resurfacing South Greensboro Street at the end of the sidewalk project. (NCDOT will provide state funds to cover this additional work.) The resurfacing work slightly extends the project limits for the sidewalk project which will involve a minor modification to DRMP’s contract, the specifics of which will be provided in a future agenda Staff had anticipated preparing a single agenda item to expand the scope of the contract and schedule, however, the scope of work and NCDOT’s subsequent audit is not yet complete.
Fiscal and Staff Impact
FISCAL IMPACT: The amendment is necessary to extend the contract for the project engineer. No additional costs are necessary at this time.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Town Council approve the resolution (Attachment A) authorizing the Town Manager to execute a contract amendment with DRMP.