File #: 22-195    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/1/2022 In control: Board of Aldermen
On agenda: 6/7/2022 Final action:
Title: Request to Issue Special Use Permit-A to utilize existing building for ArtsCenter at 400 Roberson Street. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Town Council to consider making a decision on the request for a Special Use Permit-A application for the ArtsCenter to renovate the existing building at 400 Roberson Street.
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Decision
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TITLE: Title

Request to Issue Special Use Permit-A to utilize existing building for ArtsCenter at 400 Roberson Street.


PURPOSE:  The purpose of this agenda item is for the Town Council to consider making a decision on the request for a Special Use Permit-A application for the ArtsCenter to renovate the existing building at 400 Roberson Street.


DEPARTMENT:  Planning Department 


CONTACT INFORMATION:  Marty Roupe, Development Review Administrator, Phone: 919-918-7333 Email: <> 


INFORMATION: On May 24, 2022, Town Council held a public hearing related to a request for a Special Use Permit-A to allow for the ArtsCenter to renovate the existing building and infrastructure at 400 Roberson Street. Materials from the previous meeting, including a staff report and various attachments, are viewable here:

Town of Carrboro - File #: 122-170 ( <>

Following the public hearing, Council members deliberated the request and directed town staff to provide a draft decision at its June 7, 2022 meeting granting the SUP-A, and to include the conditions recommended by the staff on the SUP-A. The draft decision is included as Attachment A.

One matter discussed by Council involved the potential widening of the existing sidewalk, to the current LUO standard for downtown zoning districts, 10 feet, north of the existing trees along Sweet Bay Place and along Roberson Street. A draft condition is included below, should Council choose to add it to the draft decision:

Draft condition: That prior to construction plan approval, the existing sidewalk be widened to ten-feet beginning where the existing east-west sidewalk begins and extend at the ten-foot width to where the Libba Cotten Bikeway begins.

The applicant may bring additional information to the meeting regarding the Roberson Place subdivision sign.



FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: Fiscal and staff impacts are associated with holding the hearing, legal, engineering and staff time. The applicant has paid all applicable fees.


RECOMMENDATION:r Town staff recommends that the Town Council review and consider adopting the attached decision.