File #: 23-206    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/12/2023 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 6/27/2023 Final action:
Title: Request for Town Council to Approve an Increase in the Contract for Ramey Kemp Associates for Design Services Associated with the South Greensboro Street Sidewalk Project. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Council to approve a contract increase and extension for Ramey Kemp Associates the firm preparing the bid packet for the South Greensboro Street Sidewalk project in order to provide for the additional design work associated with the water line replacement.
Attachments: 1. A - Resolution(2).pdf, 2. B - South Greensboro Street Contract Amendment - Racial Equity Pocket Questions.pdf


Request for Town Council to Approve an Increase in the Contract for Ramey Kemp Associates for Design Services Associated with the South Greensboro Street Sidewalk Project. 


PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Council to approve a contract increase and extension for Ramey Kemp Associates the firm preparing the bid packet for the South Greensboro Street Sidewalk project in order to provide for the additional design work associated with the water line replacement. 



DEPARTMENT: Planning, Finance



CONTACT INFORMATION: Christina Moon, Planning Administrator, 919-918-7325, <>; Patricia McGuire, Planning Director, 919-918-7327, <>; Arche McAdoo, Finance Director, 919-918-7439, <> 


Council Direction


_X_ Race/Equity   ____ Climate   _X_ Comprehensive Plan _X_Other

Council Direction Statement

The South Greensboro Street Sidewalk project is included in the Comprehensive Plan. Completion will provide important pedestrian infrastructure connecting downtown Carrboro with neighborhoods to the south along Smith Level Road. 



INFORMATION: At the November 16, 2021 Town Council meeting, the Council received an update on the South Greensboro Street sidewalk project and information relating to the need to replace an existing asbestos cement (AC) water line which would potentially be compromised by the stormwater system for the sidewalk.  After discussions with NCDOT and OWASA to review possible options for the replacement it was determined that the existing 6-inch AC line would be replaced with a new 6-inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) as part of the sidewalk project.  Ramey Kemp Associates (RKA), the engineering firm preparing the preliminary design and specification manual for the sidewalk has prepared a scope and cost estimate for the additional design work necessary for the water line replacement, and NCDOT has audited and approved the cost. 

There are sufficient funds in the project budget to accommodate the additional costs associated with the waterline replacement design.  Staff will bring back a capital project ordinance amendment at a future meeting to document the additional federal funds added to the project by way of a State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) amendment per the Town’s request (Town of Carrboro - File #: 21-365 ( <|Text|&Search=south+greensboro+street+sidewalk>) and to increase the amount of funds dedicated toward design services.  Staff is also working with the RKA to provide the Council with an updated project schedule.]


Fiscal and Staff Impact

FISCAL IMPACT: NCDOT has approved $122,793.79 of design costs associated with the water line replacement; the total cost for engineering services for design would increase from $415,000 to $537,793.70.  There is sufficient funds in the project budget to cover the increase in design services.



RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends that the Town Council consider the resolution provided (Attachment A) increasing the contract amount for Ramey Kemp Associates from $415,000 to $538,793.70, and extending the contract until December 2024. 
