File #: 23-201    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/9/2023 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 6/27/2023 Final action:
Title: Continuation of Public Hearing for Conditional Rezoning at 820 and 904 Homestead Road and 310 Lucas Lane PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Town Council to continue to receive public comment and to deliberate on a request to rezone three contiguous parcels located at 820 and 904 Homestead Road and 310 Lucas Lane.
Attachments: 1. A - Follow-Up Responses to June 6th PH Comments_06-22-2023.pdf, 2. B - Applicant Responses_06-21-2023 (rev).pdf, 3. C - Resolution for Consistency.pdf, 4. D - Draft Zoning Map Amendment_6-21-2023 (rev2).pdf, 5. E - Vicinity Map.pdf, 6. F - Staff Report.pdf, 7. G-1 - Petition.pdf, 8. G-2 - Exhibit.pdf, 9. G-3 - Traffic Assessment.pdf, 10. G-4 - NIM.pdf, 11. H - Certification Packet (Updated).pdf, 12. I - Comments (SWAC added).pdf, 13. J - LUO Excerpts.pdf, 14. K - Pocket Questions - Proposed Homestead Rd Rezoning


Continuation of Public Hearing for Conditional Rezoning at 820 and 904 Homestead Road and 310 Lucas Lane


PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Town Council to continue to receive public comment and to deliberate on a request to rezone three contiguous parcels located at 820 and 904 Homestead Road and 310 Lucas Lane. 






CONTACT INFORMATION: Christina Moon, Planning Administrator, 919-918-7325, <>; Patricia McGuire, Planning Director, 919-918-7327, <>; Nick Herman, Town Attorney, 919-929-3905, <>


Council Direction


___ Race/Equity   ____ Climate   _X__ Comprehensive Plan __X_ Other

Council Direction Statement

The Town Council must hold a legislative public hearing for the consideration of a zoning map amendment.  The Town Council is required to adopt a statement of consistency as part of its decision. 



INFORMATION: At the June 6, 2023 Town Council meeting, the Council opened a public hearing to consider a request from Parker Louis, LLC, (Adam and Omar Zine) to rezone three contiguous parcels on the north side of Homestead Road, from R-20 (Residential, 20,000 square feet per dwelling unit) to R-3-CZ (Residential, 3,000 square feet per dwelling unit, Conditional) for the purpose of developing an Architecturally Integrated Subdivision (AIS) including a combination of approximately 27 single-family homes and 15 multi-family homes.  (Agenda materials may be found at the following link: June 6, 2023 Town Council Meeting <|&Search>=).  The subject properties are shown more specifically in the table below and in the attached vicinity map. (Attachment E).   



Existing Zoning

Proposed Zoning


820 Homestead Road





904 Homestead Road





310 Lucas Lane Parcel 1











Approximately twenty-five residents spoke during the comment portion of the public hearing, including the petitioner, Omar Zinn.  The Council requested additional information on a number of topics to assist with its deliberation (Attachment A & Attachment B).  Information will also be provided at the meeting as part of the staff presentation.


Application materials submitted by the applicants are provided as (Attachments G-1 through G-4).  A revised draft rezoning ordinance has been provided and includes an updated list of draft conditions (Attachment B).  It is anticipated that the conditions may be further refined during the public hearing process.  The final list of conditions must be mutually agreed upon by the Town and the applicants.  The Town Council must receive public comment before deciding on the rezoning request.  The proposed map amendment was presented at the Joint Advisory Board meeting on May 4, 2023.  Comments from the Planning Board, Affordable Housing Advisory Commission, Transportation Advisory Board, and Stormwater Advisory Commission are provided (Attachment I).  


Should the Town Council approve the rezoning, the Zinns would follow with an application for a Special Use Permit-A.  The illustrative site plan provided as a condition of the rezoning would be binding, and dictate the design for the subsequent SUP-A.  As noted in the conditions for the draft ordinance for the rezoning (Attachment D), certain elements of the project would be determined as part of the rezoning and other elements would be determined as part of the SUP plans which include much more detail to ensure compliance with the Land Use Ordinance.  As such, certain elements of the project such as the completion of the full stormwater management design for the project are required as part of the SUP review process.  The applicants have also submitted a petition for voluntary annexation, which is being considered as part of a separate agenda item.



Fiscal and Staff Impact

FISCAL IMPACT: Public hearings involve staff and public notice costs associated with advisory board and Town Council review.  The petitioner has submitted materials and fees, as applicable, for reviewing and processing these requests, including providing envelopes for the mailed notice for the rezoning.



RECOMMENDATION: The Town Manager recommends that the Town Council receive public input and consider whether the proposed rezoning to R-3-CZ is consistent with Town plans and policies as well as the advancement of the public health, safety and welfare.  A resolution for consistency (Attachment C) and a draft ordinance for the map amendment (Attachment D) are provided. 
