Resolution to Approve a Contract with Greenscape, Inc. for Mowing along Highway NC-54 and Town Properties
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request the Town Council approve the contract with Greenscape, Inc. mowing services along Highway NC-54 and Town Properties.
DEPARTMENT: Public Works
CONTACT INFORMATION: Kristen Benoit, Assistant to Public Works Director; kbenoit@carrboronc.gov <mailto:kbenoit@carrboronc.gov>, 919-918-7428; Anita Jones-McNair, Interim Public Works Director, amcnair@carrboronc.gov <mailto:amcnair@carrboronc.gov>, 919-918-7381
Council Direction
___ Race/Equity ____ Climate ____ Comprehensive Plan _X__Other
Council Direction Statement
Per Town Code Section 3-1 (b)(9)(i) the Town Council is required to approve contracts for purchases of goods or services that exceed $60,000. The proposed contract with Greenscape, Inc. exceeds the limit.
INFORMATION: In August 2022, Public Works received bids to provide right-of-way mowing services along Highway NC-54 and grassy areas at Town properties. Greenscape, Inc. was the lowest cost bidder. On September 1, 2022, The Town contracted with Greenscape, Inc. to provide mowing services along Highway NC-54, and grassy areas located at the following Town properties:
• 301 W Main St. (Fire Station 1, Town Hall, and Town Commons)
• 401 Davie Rd. (Westwood Cemetery)
• 1411 Homestead Rd. (Fire Station 2)
• 306 Broad St. (Baldwin Park)
• 217 Simpson St. (Simpson Park)
The FY23 contract expires on June 30, 2023, subject to renewal for two years. The FY24 proposed contract is anticipated to begin on July 1, 2023, and end June 30, 2024. The total estimated cost of the contract is $62,328.
The Racial Equity Pocket Questionnaire has been completed for this agenda item and can be found in Attachment A.
Fiscal and Staff Impact
FISCAL IMPACT: FY24 funds are budgeted in the Street & Grounds Division for this contract.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Town Council approve the attached resolution (Attachment B) authorizing the Town to enter into a contract with Greenscape, Inc. for mowing services along Highway NC-54 and Town Properties