File #: 23-233    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 8/18/2023 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 9/19/2023 Final action:
Title: Stormwater Infrastructure Grant Opportunity PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to request that the Town Council approve a planning grant application to the North Carolina Division of Water Infrastructure Local Assistance for Stormwater Infrastructure Investments program.
Attachments: 1. A - LASII Grant Resolution, 2. B - LASII Grant Race & Equity Pocket Questions, 3. C - LASII Grant Opportunity Memo, 4. D - LASII SWAC Recommendation


Stormwater Infrastructure Grant Opportunity

PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to request that the Town Council approve a planning grant application to the North Carolina Division of Water Infrastructure Local Assistance for Stormwater Infrastructure Investments program.



DEPARTMENT: Public Works



CONTACT INFORMATION: Randy Dodd, Stormwater Utility Manager, 919 918-7341; Kevin Belanger, Public Works Director, 919 918-7427; Arche McAdoo, Finance Director, 919 918-7300


Council Direction


x Race/Equity   x Climate   x Comprehensive Plan x Other

Council Direction Statement

Pursuing this grant will support the Council’s direction and priorities related to race/equity, climate action, and stormwater. Pocket questions are included as Attachment B.



INFORMATION: Since the adoption of a rate structure in June 2018 to provide dedicated revenue to the Stormwater Utility through the Stormwater Enterprise Fund, the Stormwater program has been transitioning from a formative stage to an operational stage.  While many studies have been pursued over many years that have helped guide the program’s development, no “master” stormwater plan exists to provide for the comprehensive and long-range planning and management of the Town’s 50 miles of stormwater infrastructure and to address community scale stormwater issues.  Additional planning and design work is also needed to support efforts in areas of Town with older infrastructure and development and historically underrepresented residents. A new grant program (LASII) from the North Carolina Division of Water Infrastructure (NCDWI is available to assist the Town in addressing these needs.  Applications to this program are due by October 2nd and require adoption of a resolution by the Town Council. A resolution with the information requested by the NCDWI and more information about the LASII program and recommended grant application are provided in attachments.

If the NCDWI approves the application (notification expected in early 2024), staff will bring a grant ordinance for the project to the Town Council for review.


Fiscal and Staff Impact

FISCAL IMPACT: The grant will provide up to $400k of funding. This is the amount that will be included in the application. No local match is required.  There will be some staff impact to apply for and manage the grant if awarded.



RECOMMENDATION: The Town Manager recommends that the Town Council adopt the attached resolution approving the grant application to the LASII program (Attachment A).
