Approval for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Projects
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the Town Council consider awarding a contract to Eagle Solar and Light, LLC to install Solar PV on Town buildings including Fire Station 1, Public Works, and the 203 S. Greensboro St. Project.
DEPARTMENT: Public Works, Finance, Planning
CONTACT INFORMATION: Ben Schmadeke, Capital Projects Manager, 919-918-7424; Arche McAdoo, Finance Director, 919-918-7439; Laura Janway, Environmental Sustainability Coordinator, 919-918-7326
Council Direction
___ Race/Equity _X_ Climate _X_ Comprehensive Plan ____Other
Council Direction Statement
These solar installations will address climate action and result in a direct reduction in the Town’s Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. Solar installations on municipal buildings is a recommendation in the Town’s Energy and Climate Protection Plan (Section 2.B.ii: Facility Energy Efficiency). The plan outlines a long-term goal to reduce 2010 levels of municipal greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2030. The solar installations will reduce the Town’s GHG emissions by 16%. Climate action is also one of the foundational themes of the Comprehensive Plan.
INFORMATION: On March 10, 2022, the Town received two responses to the Request for Proposals (RFP) for town-wide solar development. Proposals were received from Southern Energy Management and Eagle Solar & Light. Both firms’ proposals were responsive and complete. A staff evaluation committee was formed across multiple departments and included Jon Hartman-Brown, Economic Development Director; Laura Janway, Environmental Sustainability Coordinator; Max Randall, Engineer I; and Cary McNallan, Deputy Finance Director. A subsequent interview was held with each firm. A summary of each firm’s response is included in Attachment A: Solar RFP Results Memo.
Staff ultimately recommended contracting with Eagle Solar and Light for the following reasons:
1. More realistic methodology for calculating investment potential.
2. Use of a Carrboro-based minority owned business for project installation (Action Solar & Electric LLC - Amounts to approximately 10% of total project cost.)
3. Positive reference from OWASA
4. More competitive pricing
Upon further evaluation, Staff made the recommendation to pursue the following projects included in the RFP (see Attachment B: Town Solar Projects 120622):
1. 203 Project West Roof
2. Public Works
3. Fire Station 1
Fiscal and Staff Impact
FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the 203 Project West Roof is already included in the 203 Project Budget. A transfer of $139,021 from Unassigned Fund Balance is required to fund the Public Works and Fire Station 1 projects.
Reference Attachment C for the purchase cost and investment summary of these projects. The Duke Energy Rebates have been reserved for the projects. The Orange County Sustainability Grant funding in the amount of $72,142 has been secured for the 203 Project West Roof Solar. It is anticipated that further cash incentives will be pursued through the Inflation Reduction Act, however application instruction is still pending. The total cost of these projects amounts to $393,974, not including incentives or energy payback.
RECOMMENDATION: The Town Manager recommends that the Town Council consider approving Attachment D, the resolution to award Eagle Solar & Light the above referenced projects and allocate funding for the Public Works and Fire Station 1 projects.