Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing for South Green Mixed Use Project at 101 Two Hills Drive, 100 and 110 Two Hills Drive, and 120 Two Hills Drive
PURPOSE: Town Council is to hold a quasi-judicial public hearing for consideration of a Special Use Permit-A request for properties at 101 Two Hills Drive, 100 and 110 Two Hills Drive, and 120 Two Hills Drive
Council Direction
___ Race/Equity ____ Climate __X__ Comprehensive Plan __X__Other*
*Other is marked for the Land Use Ordinance, which governs the process for Council to hold a quasi-judicial public hearing for consideration of a development project.
Council Direction Statement
Development applications should be reviewed in the context of any appropriate and applicable information contained within the Carrboro Connects Comprehensive Plan.
INFORMATION: The Zoning Division has received an application for a Special Use Permit-A (SUP-A), from Ballentine Associates, PA, requesting a permit to build up to 63 dwelling units and up to 5,300 square feet of commercial building space, along with associated infrastructure on Lot 2 of the South Green development. The applicant is asking that all aspects of the project associated with the existing buildings on Lot 1 and Lot 3 remain the same. The subject properties are identified as 101 Two Hills Drive (PIN: 9778837930), 100 & 110 Two Hills Drive (PIN: 9778837669), and 120 Two Hills Drive (PIN: 9778931738); all are zoned M-3 Conditional Zoning.
Additional details are included in the staff report for the project, included as Attachment B.
Fiscal and Staff Impact
FISCAL IMPACT: The applicant has paid all fees associated with the review and related to the public hearing.
RECOMMENDATION: Town staff recommends that Town Council open and conduct a quasi-judicial public hearing for the Special Use Permit-A application, and consider whether to approve, deny, or approve with conditions. Conditions recommended by staff are included at the end of the staff report (Attachment B) and in the Staff and Advisory Boards Recommendations Summary Sheet, included as Attachment H.