TITLE: Title
Northside Initiative Overview and Direction
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Board to receive an overview of the Northside Initiative and provide direction on the Town’s actions.
DEPARTMENT: Planning Department and Manager’s Office
CONTACT INFORMATION: Patricia McGuire, pmcguire@townofcarrboro.org <mailto:pmcguire@townofcarrboro.org>, 919-918-7327, and Nate Broman-Fulks, nbroman-fulks@townofcarrboro.org <mailto:nbroman-fulks@townofcarrboro.org>, 919-918-7314
INFORMATION: In 2011, a Northside community plan was adopted by the Town of Chapel Hill in partnership with residents and organizations. In October 2012, the Self-Help Credit Union and the Marian Cheek Jackson Center for Making and Saving History began work on identifying housing-related strategies that would respond to community aspirations and market conditions. As part of this effort, the boundaries of the study area for Northside were expanded to include the Lloyd-Broad (and Sunset) neighborhood in Carrboro.
The Northside Housing Market Action Plan was completed in April 2013. This plan presented an implementation strategy for changing the trajectory of the Northside neighborhoods’ housing market towards a primarily student rental investor market. In its place, a diverse, multi-generational neighborhood can be maintained and strengthened. This plan is intended to guide the effort to make that happen.
During the plan’s formulation, Carrboro staff was invited to attend meetings of the Resource Group that provided input to the effort’s Compass Group. Following the announcement of the Northside Neighborhood Initiative funding in March of this year, Carrboro staff have been participating in Resource Group meetings to discuss continued implementation of the plan. Staff of the Self-Help Credit Union and the Jackson Center will be in attendance at this meeting to provide the Board of Aldermen with presentations on the plan and its implementation.
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: Minimal staff impact is associated with continued attendance at Resource Group meetings. There is no immediate fiscal impact, although some strategies could require some level of funding.
RECOMMENDATION:r Staff recommends the Board provide direction on the Town’s actions related to the Northside Initiative.