File #: 23-244    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 9/1/2023 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 9/19/2023 Final action:
Title: Resolution to Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Contract for the Site Assessment of Town-Owned Property PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to execute a contract for the site assessment of identified town-owned land for possible affordable housing use.
Attachments: 1. A- Resolution, 2. B- Pocket Questions


Resolution to Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Contract for the Site Assessment of Town-Owned Property

PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to execute a contract for the site assessment of identified town-owned land for possible affordable housing use.



DEPARTMENT: Housing and Community Services, Finance



CONTACT INFORMATION: Anne-Marie Vanaman, Interim Director, <>, (919) 918-7321; Arche McAdoo, Finance Director, 919-918-7439, <>


Council Direction


_X__ Race/Equity   ____ Climate   _X___ Comprehensive Plan ____Other

Council Direction Statement

On February 8, 2022 <>, the Town Council approved a strategy for utilizing town-owned land to create affordable housing. Three parcels located on Pathway Drive and one parcel on Crest Street were identified for conducting a site assessment to determine the feasibility of residential development.

This site assessment is an activity in support of Goal 3 in the Affordable Housing chapter of the Comprehensive Plan: Diversify and expand a variety of housing options throughout Carrboro using a mixture of affordable housing types. Specifically, it addresses one of the Plan’s Affordable Housing Priority Projects: Strategy 3.4 A (Identify existing town-owned lands that can be conveyed to affordable housing developers. Review all town-owned land not needed for public facilities to determine suitability for affordable housing and determine value of land in consideration of provision of public benefits.) 

Race and Equity is one of two pillars underpinning Carrboro’s Comprehensive Plan.  Noting that historic discrimination in housing practices negatively impacts people of color, Carrboro’s affordable housing strategies and projects have been designed to advance race and equity in the town. Pocket questions are included as Attachment B.



INFORMATION: The Town received two responses to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #2023-425-2 for a site assessment of town-owned land located on Pathway Drive and Crest Street.  These proposals were submitted by Summit Design and Engineering Services and ECLS Global.  Staff from the Planning, Housing and Community Services, and Public Works Departments, including Trish McGuire (Planning Director), Ben Schmadeke (Capital Projects Manager), Randy Dodd (Stormwater Utility Manager), Cary McNallan (Deputy Finance Director), Max Randall (Public Works Engineer), and Anne-Marie Vanaman (Housing and Community Services Interim Director), evaluated the firms using a scoring rubric created from the evaluation criteria outlined in the RFQ. Summit Design and Engineering received the highest average score from the staff review team and were invited to submit a full proposal.  Summit has outlined a 90-day timeframe to complete the assessment. The Town’s dedicated webpage <> will be updated with a timeline for the assessment once available.

The assessment will include the following components: 1. Preliminary Visual Site Assessment; 2. Property Survey; 3. Geotechnical Investigation and Evaluation; 4. Environmental Assessment; 5. Stormwater Assessment; 6. Public Involvement.


Fiscal and Staff Impact

FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of Summit Design and Engineering performing the site assessment is estimated to be $81,544. The Affordable Housing Special Revenue Fund (AHSRF) has allocated funding, not to exceed $100,000, for this project in the FY 2023-2024 budget.  Pre-development work, such as a site assessment, is one of the eligible uses of the AHSRF.



RECOMMENDATION: The Town Manager recommends that the Town Council approve the attached resolution (Attachment A) to authorize the Town Manager to execute a contract with Summit Design and Engineering for site assessment services of four parcels of town-owned land for possible affordable housing use.
