Adoption of a Facilities Naming Policy
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the Town Council adopt an official naming policy for town-owned facilities and rooms.
DEPARTMENT: Town Manager’s Office
CONTACT INFORMATION: Zack Kier, Assistant to the Town Manager, 919-918-7307, zkier@carrboronc.gov
Council Direction
___ Race/Equity ____ Climate ____ Comprehensive Plan __X__Other
Council Direction Statement
This proposed policy will help guide the naming of new and existing town-owned facilities.
INFORMATION: The construction of the 203 Project has provided an opportunity to consider naming the building and rooms in conjunction with Orange County. Orange County has an adopted facilities naming policy. The Town of Carrboro does not have a similar policy. The creation of an official naming policy will guide this process.
Many local governments have adopted policies that guide them on how to name facilities and buildings. These policies ensure fairness and equity and ensures that a uniform process is applied to all naming conventions. Other municipalities in Orange County have adopted naming policies for their facilities and rooms. Attachment A compares Orange County and Chapel Hill’s naming policies. Attachment B lists Orange County’s naming policies and features Chapel Hill’s differences in red. Attachment C features the racial equity pocket questions. Overall, the policies are generally similar with some exceptions. Chapel Hill’s policy is more formal and streamlined with a standing naming committee that makes recommendations to the Council. They also have more stringent restrictions on what type of businesses can sponsor rooms or sporting facilities. Orange County Board of Commissioners have more direct control by not having a committee and addressing the naming of facilities on a case-by-case basis.
Fiscal and Staff Impact
FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal and staff impacts depend on what the Town Council decides regarding the process for naming facilities and rooms.
RECOMMENDATION: The Town Manager recommends that that the Town Council adopts a naming policy and requests that the Orange County Board of Commissioners establish a joint naming committee for the 203 Project.