Reimagining Weaver Street Work Session
PURPOSE: This work session item is designed to provide a framework for the Town Council to discuss possible modifications to East Weaver Street to reduce or eliminate vehicle traffic, thereby creating a pedestrian-priority space or pedestrian plaza.
Council Direction
_X__ Race/Equity __X__ Climate ___ Comprehensive Plan __X__Other
Council Direction Statement
Changes to the main east-west street in the downtown area will have implications to the experience of residents and visitors to Carrboro. Racial Equity Pocket Questions have been prepared to discuss possible impacts (Attachment B).
INFORMATION: Over the last several years, the Town has received occasional inquiries about the possibility of reconfiguring East Weaver Street, to convert Weaver Street to one-way vehicle travel or to transform the block into a bike-ped or pedestrian only space. The purpose of this item is to provide the Town Council with an opportunity to have a more comprehensive discussion on the matter, focusing on place-making, retaining the multimodal transportation network in downtown and necessary logistics. A memorandum providing additional information about Weaver Street and street conversions in other communities is provided as background (Attachment A).
Outcomes from this work session may inform the Downtown Area Plan, a draft of which is scheduled for the Council’s review on April 8th.
Fiscal and Staff Impact
FISCAL IMPACT: There are no fiscal impacts to discussing this matter as part of the work session. Possible next steps may involve fiscal, and staff impacts depending on the selected option. Staff to bring back a future agenda item to approve associated costs and/or identify a source of funding as may be needed.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Council ask questions, discuss, and advise as to possible next steps as may be desired.