Consideration of Additional 2023-2024 Legislative Priorities
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the Town Council discuss and consider additional legislative priorities for 2023-2024.
DEPARTMENT: Town Clerk / Town Council
CONTACT INFORMATION: Wesley Barker, Town Clerk, wbarker@carrboronc.gov <mailto:wbarker@carrboronc.gov>, 919-918-7309
Council Direction
_X__ Race/Equity __X__ Climate __X__ Comprehensive Plan ____Other
Council Direction Statement
The Town Council will continue to consider all directions of race/equity, climate and the comprehensive plan as part of considering legislative priorities.
INFORMATION: The North Carolina General Assembly official convened the 2023-2024 legislative biennium on January 25, 2023. Topics the General Assembly are expected to work on this year include Medicaid Expansion, Sports Betting, Lower Corporate Income Tax, Video Lottery Terminals (VLTs), and Medical Marijuana.
Bill filing deadlines for the House and Senate for this session are included in the chart below:
At the January 10, 2023 Town Council meeting, the Town Council considered an item entitled “Consideration of North Carolina League of Municipalities (NCLM) Municipal Advocacy Goals and Other Legislative Priorities” and discussed the 16 legislative goals recommended by the NCLM Board of Directors as part of NCLM’s legislative goals development process. The Council approved by unanimous vote to endorse the following 10 legislative priorities from the 16 legislative goals recommended by the NCLM Board of Directors and to designate the Town Clerk to be the voting delegate for the Town on the following goals:
1. Expand federal and state resources for affordable housing.
2. Create an adequate and permanent funding stream for local infrastructure.
3. Allow municipalities to use local resources and capabilities to expand broadband access in their communities through innovative partnerships.
4. Extend deadlines for completion of federal infrastructure projects.
5. Expand state transportation funding streams for construction and maintenance formunicipal and state-owned secondary roads.
6. Support integrated and multi-modal transportation solutions.
7. Increase state funding for public transportation operations.
8. Expand incentives and funding for local economic development.
9. Provide authority to municipal water systems to recoup costs of clean-up from polluters.
10. Provide local revenue options beyond property tax.
Agenda materials from the January 10, 2023 meeting can be accessed here: <https://carrboro.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=5988204&GUID=A1A5B248-B29C-4C29-BF88-989C315FE23D&Options=ID|Text|Other|&Search=legislative+priorities>
The Town Council also unanimously voted to approve a resolution in support of closing North Carolina’s Health Insurance Coverage Gap through Medicaid Expansion which was shared with the local General Assembly delegation.
Furthermore, a list of the Town Council-approved legislative priorities for the Town of Carrboro which was adopted January 26, 2021, and is found in Attachment B for reference.
Typically, the legislative priorities for the Town are considered and adopted by the Town Council in early January each year with a legislative breakfast or dinner to follow in late January to allow Council to discuss these priorities with the local General Assembly members. The legislative priorities as well as the legislative breakfast for 2024 will both be scheduled for January 2024 to stay ahead of schedule of typical bill filing deadlines at the General Assembly.
A legislative breakfast is scheduled for Friday, March 24, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. at Carrboro Town Hall.
Fiscal and Staff Impact
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Town Council consider any additional legislative priorities to discuss with the local delegation at the upcoming legislative breakfast.