TITLE: Title
Adoption of 2023 Town Council Meeting Calendar
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for Town Council to adopt the 2023 meeting calendar.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Wesley Barker, Town Clerk, wbarker@carrboronc.gov <mailto:wbarker@carrboronc.gov>, 919-918-7309
INFORMATION: This proposed 2023 meeting calendar has been prepared to include Council meetings for the entire year. The Council approved the January 2023 meeting schedule at the December 6, 2022 meeting. Beginning in February 2023, the second Tuesday of the month will be dedicated to Council work sessions. Additionally, the town calendar would be updated to reflect any meeting cancellations.
The clerk’s office researched previous Council agendas where work sessions were held by Council. Most of the work sessions held were part of a regular business meeting with the work session being held at the end of the business meeting. However, a few meetings were held as standalone work session meetings. Attachment B details these previously held work sessions with the date, purpose, and if a work session was part of a regular business meeting, or standalone work session.
Additionally, the clerk’s office researched surrounding jurisdictions meeting schedules and have provided the information below as it relates to regular meetings and work sessions:
• The Town of Chapel Hill holds two regular meetings and one work session each month with some special meetings added throughout the year.
• The Town of Hillsborough has one regular meeting and one work session per month unless a special meeting is needed.
• The Town of Apex holds two regular meetings per month, with a separate optional work session meeting allotted once a month.
• The City of Burlington holds two meetings per month, with one work session per month.
• The Town of Pittsboro holds two regular meetings per month, with scheduled work sessions around the budget.
It has been requested that the Town Council not hold a meeting on Tuesday, April 11th, 2023 due to this being the Tuesday after the Easter Friday holiday. For the month of November 2023, no regular council business meeting will be held on the first Tuesday of the month due to Election Day (11/7/23). Due to this, the second Tuesday in November (11/14/23) will instead be a regular council business meeting. The reason for this is so council can hold a regular business meeting for the month of November as the third & fourth Tuesdays in November are typically not meeting days due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
The Council should review the meeting dates proposed and adopt the calendar (Attachment A), making any changes necessary.
The calendar may also be revised at any time throughout the year, upon approval by the Council.
RECOMMENDATION:r It is recommended that the Town Council adopt the 2023 meeting schedule.