File #: 23-246    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 9/1/2023 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 9/19/2023 Final action:
Title: Appointment to the Carrboro Tourism Development Authority (CTDA) PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the Town Council consider an appointment to the Carrboro Tourism Development Authority (CTDA).
Attachments: 1. A- Resolution Making CTDA Appointment 9.19.23, 2. B- Advisory Boards & Commissions Recruitment- Racial Equity Lens (FINAL), 3. C- Huru Price_TDA Application & Chair Form, 4. D- CTDA Information Matrix 9.19.23 TC


Appointment to the Carrboro Tourism Development Authority (CTDA)


PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the Town Council consider an appointment to the Carrboro Tourism Development Authority (CTDA).






CONTACT INFORMATION: Wesley Barker, Town Clerk, <>, 919-918-7309


Council Direction


__X_ Race/Equity   ____ Climate   ____ Comprehensive Plan __X__Other

Council Direction Statement

The Town Council follows the Advisory Board Recruitment and Appointment Policy which was adopted on 11-21-2017. Text amendments to this policy were approved by the Town Council on 12-1-2020 and 4-13-2021, respectively, to the section entitled “Composition” which related to expanding the racial and ethnic diversity on advisory boards and commissions. It should be noted that the Advisory Board Recruitment and Appointment Policy has been evaluated using the Racial Equity Lens tool which was finalized in May 2023. A copy of this completed lens is attached again here as Attachment B. 

The CTDA appointments fall under the section entitled “Appointments to Authorities” within the Advisory Board Recruitment and Appointment Policy which states the following: “The OWASA Board of Directors and Tourism Development Authority are considered “Authorities” under N.C. General Statutes. The Town Council will consider applications for those authorities and be responsible for making appointments as they are directed per law. The Town Council may at times choose to interview applicants for the representative seats by any method that they choose. All appointments will be made in open session by the ballot procedures established in the policy.”



INFORMATION: The CTDA was established by Chapter 8A in the Carrboro Town Code entitled Hotel and Motel Room Occupancy Tax.


Section 8A-5 within Chapter 8A is entitled Carrboro Tourism Development Authority: Appointment and Membership and states the following:

(a) The Carrboro Tourism Development Authority (CTDA) is hereby created, which shall be a public authority under the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act.

(b) The CTDA shall consist of three members appointed by the Town Council. Members need not reside within the Town, but at least one member must be affiliated with businesses that collect the tax in the Town and two members must be currently active in the promotion of travel and tourism in the Town.

(c) Subject to subsection (d), members shall be appointed for terms of one year. The initial terms of all appointees shall expire on January 31 of the year that follows the initial appointments. Subsequent terms shall run from February 1 of one year to January 31 of the following year. Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term. Members may be appointed to successive terms without limitation.

(d) Members shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Council and may be removed by the Council at any time with or without cause.

(e) Members shall serve without compensation.”


Currently, the CTDA has two active members, Marlin Fludd, and Bridget Pemberton-Smith. Both Marlin Fludd and Bridget Pemberton-Smith were appointed on May 2, 2023.


Marlin Fludd serves as a CTDA member who is affiliated with a business that collects occupancy tax within the town. Bridget Pemberton-Smith serves as a CTDA member who is

 currently active in the promotion of travel and tourism in the Town.


The CTDA has one additional seat available, which is vacant. A quorum of two (2) members is needed to conduct business of the CTDA. With only two current appointed members, it is possible a quorum could not be met to conduct business and presents an issue in the event of a tie.


An application was received by Huru Price, who has met with the CTDA chair. Mr. Price meets the CTDA criteria as he promotes travel and tourism within the Town. His application and the chair report are attached in Attachment C. 


A current matrix of the CTDA can be found in Attachment D.



Fiscal and Staff Impact




RECOMMENDATION: The Town Clerk recommends that the Town Council review and consider appointing Huru Price to the CTDA to ensure the CTDA can maintain a quorum and be able to meet to conduct business (Attachment A).
