TITLE: Title
Update from NCDOT on the Status of Transportation Projects
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to receive a presentation from NCDOT staff on the status of intersection improvements at Estes and North Greensboro streets; Brewer Lane, Franklin and Main streets; the drainage pipe replacement project on South Greensboro Street and other ongoing projects.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Christina Moon - 919-918-7325; Patricia McGuire - 919-918-7327
INFORMATION: When the first draft of the 2015-2025 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) was shared with members of the MPO Technical Committee in December 2014, it included two projects in Carrboro’s jurisdictions identified for intersection improvements: Estes and North Greensboro streets (STIP U-5846) and Brewer Lane, Franklin and Main streets (STIP U-5847). Town staff identified improvements to the Brewer Lane intersection as well as improvements for bike/ped access along Estes Road to the North Greensboro as potential local priorities for the 2014-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) at the May 17, 2011 Board meeting. (Agenda materials may be found here at the following link: <http://www01.townofcarrboro.org/BoA/Agendas/2011/05_17_2011_D2.pdf>).
As programed, both intersection improvements are being managed and funded by NCDOT. Town staff has been working with NCDOT to coordinate input on the projects, particularly the Brewer Lane project which is located along the border between Carrboro and Chapel Hill. Staff recently asked NCDOT to provide the Board with an update on its work to date including: the results of their analysis to determine the best type of intersection improvement (i.e. roundabout or other feature), the design of the proposed improvement and the anticipated timeline for the project to move forward.
Staff has also asked for NCDOT to provide an update on the South Greensboro Street drainage pipe installation, designed to improvement stormwater management as it leaves the South Green development and the greater Roberson neighborhood. Updates on other town projects may include the completion of the Smith Level Road improvements, the schedule for finishing the spot safety project on Jones Ferry Road, and the repaving schedule for streets in Carrboro’s jurisdiction.
(Information about transportation projects may be found on the NCDOT-Connect portal by TIP # or by clinking directly on the map to generate a drop-down tool.
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: There is no fiscal or staff impact for receiving the report.
RECOMMENDATION:r Staff recommends that the Board receive the report and request follow up information as appropriate.