Town of Carrboro |
301 W. Main St., Carrboro, NC 27510 |
Subject: Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget Amendment #2 Agenda Date: 02/18/2025
Attachment(s): Year-to-Date Budget Summary Department: Finance
Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget Amendment #2
PURPOSE: To approve budget, grant, and capital project ordinance amendments for Fiscal Year 2024-25 (FY 2025).
Fire & Rescue
1. Pursuant to interlocal agreement, the Town of Carrboro is partnering with the County and neighboring municipalities on the development of a comprehensive plan outlining emergency operations for each town and the County. This amendment authorizes an increase to the General Fund budget in the amount of $30,000 through an appropriation of fund balance for the purposes of funding the Town’s contribution toward the provision of services related to a comprehensive emergency operations plan.
Housing & Community Services
1. This amendment updates a miscalculation of the fee for Payment in Lieu for Affordable Housing which appears in the Approved Fee Schedule. The corrected amount is calculated at $54,317, with no budgetary impact anticipated in the current Fiscal Year.
Planning, Zoning, and Inspections
1. The Planning, Zoning, and Inspections (PZI) department presented to Council on January 14, 2025 in the Reimaging Weaver Street Work Session. As follow up to this meeting, PZI is recommending the Town conduct a capacity study and analysis. This amendment increases the General Fund budget by $50,000 through an appropriation of fund balance for the purposes of funding the study and analysis.
2. The Town of Carrboro is partnering with Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) to determine the feasibility of converting roughly 10.8 miles of the J Branch rail line to a multimodal/multi-use trail, to provide alternatives to single occupancy car trips for commuters, opportunities for recreation, and to create local and regional tourism destinations. This amendment authorizes an increase to the General Fund budget in the amount of $10,000 through an appropriation of fund balance for the purposes of funding the study.
1. The Police department received notification from the Orange County Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Board of an allocation of $20,000 for FY 2024-25. These funds must be used and reported in a manner pursuant to N.C.G.S. 18B-501(f). This amendment establishes a Grant Project #51008 ABC Board Grant in the Grant Fund and authorizes the receipt and appropriation of these funds.
Public Works
1. The Public Works department is requesting an additional allocation for the following vehicle replacements in FY2025: one (1) Nissan Leaf estimated at $35,000; one (1) F-150 Lightning estimated at $55,000; and one (1) Solid Waste Side Loader estimated at $400,000. This amendment increases Capital Project #20225 Vehicle Replacements by $490,000 and increases a transfer out from the General Fund into the Capital Projects Fund at the same amount through an appropriation of fund balance.
FISCAL IMPACT: This abstract increases the authorization of the General Fund by $570,000; increases the authorization of the Grant Fund by $20,000; and increases the Capital Projects Fund by $490,000.
RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends the Council approve the budget, grant, and capital project ordinance amendments for Fiscal Year 2024-25.