Traffic Calming Work Session
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Work Session is to provide an opportunity for the Town Council to discuss the residential traffic calming process and how it might be simplified.
DEPARTMENT: Planning, Zoning & Inspections
CONTACT INFORMATION: Patricia McGuire, Planning Director, 919-918-7327, pmcguire@carrboronc.gov <mailto:pmcguire@carrboronc.gov>; Ben Berolzheimer, Planner, 919-918-7330, bberolzheimer@carrboronc.gov <mailto:bberolzheimer@carrboronc.gov>; Christina Moon, Planning Administrator, 919-918-7325, cmoon@carrboronc.gov <mailto:cmoon@carrboronc.gov>
Council Direction
___ Race/Equity ____ Climate __X__ Comprehensive Plan ____Other
Council Direction Statement
Strategy/Project 2.2 E, of the Transportation & Mobility Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan provides recommendations for restructuring the Residential Traffic Management Plan (RTMP) with six steps or projects for modifying the plan, including the addition of a new bike-ped safety assessment component.
Similarly, Strategy/Project 3.1A, of the Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Water, and Energy Chapter calls for the integration of green stormwater infrastructure and traffic calming. This is listed as a Priority Project in the Carrboro Connects Implementation chapter.
INFORMATION: During the June 27, 2023 public hearing for a conditional rezoning proposal along Homestead Road, members of the Town Council asked to schedule a work session to discuss the Residential Traffic Management Plan (RTMP), how it works, and how it might be simplified ( Carrboro Residential Traffic Management Plan (townofcarrboro.org) <http://www.townofcarrboro.org/DocumentCenter/View/1433/Residential-Traffic-Management-Plan?bidId=>). A memorandum providing a brief overview of the history of the RTMP, its implementation, and other supporting information is provided (attachments A - D).
Planning Staff completed a Racial Equity Assessment Lens (REAL) on the traffic calming process earlier in 2023. The assessment has been reviewed by the GARE Core Team (interdepartmental staff group). The assessment was presented to the Racial Equity Commission (REC) on September 7th. Since the REC’s comments have not yet been integrated into the assessment, responses to the Pocket Questions are included below.