File #: 24-208    Name:
Type: Consent Agenda Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/13/2025 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Town Code Amendment (Minor) to Chapter 3 Article V Section 3-24.15 Carrboro Stormwater Advisory Commission PURPOSE: To request that the Town Council consider amendments to Town Code and increase the number of members for the Stormwater Advisory Commission from seven (7) to nine (9). A draft ordinance has also been provided for the Council's consideration.
Attachments: 1. A - Identified Text Changes, 2. B - Draft Ordinance


Town Code Amendment (Minor) to Chapter 3 Article V Section 3-24.15 Carrboro Stormwater Advisory Commission


PURPOSE: To request that the Town Council consider amendments to Town Code and increase the number of members for the Stormwater Advisory Commission from seven (7) to nine (9). A draft ordinance has also been provided for the Council’s consideration. 




DEPARTMENT: Public Works



Council Direction


X Race/Equity   X Climate   X Comprehensive Plan   X  Other

Council Direction Statement

OTHER: At the request of the Stormwater Advisory Commission (SWAC) the item expands the number of seats on the advisory board furthering public participation in helping guide the local utility. “Public Participation” is one of six minimum control measures required by Small MS4s.

RACE/EQUITY: Increasing the number of seats on SWAC holds the opportunity to seek diverse community perspectives and welcome residents from different backgrounds.

CLIMATE: Effective Stormwater treatment and management is a key component in helping build a resilient and climate ready municipality.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: SWAC is directly involved in helping guide many of the goals, strategies, and projects identified in Chapter 6 of the Comprehensive plan.




INFORMATION: SWAC has asked staff to formally request Council consider amendments to Town Code and increase the number of members for the Stormwater Advisory Commission from seven (7) to nine (9). This change will increase the opportunity for community representation and bring further perspective into the Commission’s conversations. Current text and proposed new text is identified in attachment “A” and below:

Section 3-24.15



Fiscal and Staff Impact

FISCAL IMPACT: No anticipated fiscal or staff impact.




RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommend that the Town Council: adopt the Town Code draft ordinance (attachment “B”) codifying the changes that the Stormwater Advisory Commission now be composed of nine (9) members.
