File #: 17-170    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Other Matters
File created: 5/16/2017 In control: Board of Aldermen
On agenda: 10/3/2017 Final action:
Title: Review and Discussion of Draft Rules of Procedure for Boards and Commissions PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to allow the Board of Aldermen to review and discuss the draft Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commission. After discussion, the rules will be included in the Draft Advisory Board Guidelines and brought back to the Board of Aldermen for adoption. There are there policy questions that the Board of Aldermen has requested to address.
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Resolution, 2. Attachment B - Rules of Procedure for Boards and Commissions.pdf, 3. Attachnement C - 7-7-17 - Memorandum from Nick Herman on Remote Participation on Planning Board.pdf
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TITLE: Title
Review and Discussion of Draft Rules of Procedure for Boards and Commissions

PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to allow the Board of Aldermen to review and discuss the draft Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commission. After discussion, the rules will be included in the Draft Advisory Board Guidelines and brought back to the Board of Aldermen for adoption. There are there policy questions that the Board of Aldermen has requested to address.


INFORMATION: In coordination with the Town's Management Team, the draft Rules of Procedure for Boards and Commissions were drafted for inclusion in the Advisory Board Guidelines and adoption as an administrative policy. This document is intended to formalize a policy that will allow staff and advisory boards to function effectively, efficiently, and consistently. After the Board discusses the Rules of Procedure, they will be adopted by the Town's Management Team as an internal policy and included in the Advisory Board Guidelines.
Consistency in process and adherence to public records laws is the impetus behind the creation of this draft policy.
The Town Clerk provided the draft document for the Board to comment on via email. It was then scheduled for this meeting so that the Board could discuss the questions and suggestions related to the draft.
Responses to Questions Posed:
1. Q: Meeting Agenda. Under what conditions does a witness require swearing in?
A: The only time a witness will be sworn in would be during a Board of Adjustment quasi-judicial hearing. No other advisory boards would require a swearing-in.
2. Q: Open Meetings. Can Advisory Board members ask that staff liaisons or Board liaisons leave the room during a discussion item?
A: There is no statutory authority for an advisory board to enter into a closed session. Thus, all business shall be conducted in an open meeting ...

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