TITLE: Title
A Request to Approve a Town Code Amendment to Prohibit Parking on E. Winmore Avenue East of Jewell Drive
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to request that the Town Council consider approving an ordinance amending the Carrboro Town Code to prohibit parking on E. Winmore Avenue from Jewell Drive east to Homestead Road.
DEPARTMENT: Planning, Public Works
CONTACT INFORMATION: Trish McGuire, Planning Director; pmcguire@carrboronc.gov, 919-918-7327; Daniel Snipes, Interim Public Works Director, dsnipes@carrboronc.gov, 919-918-7427
INFORMATION: E. Winmore Avenue serves as a principal point of access to the Winmore neighborhood from Homestead Road.
The street measures approximately 20 feet in width from Jewell Drive over the Bolin Creek bridge. From just east of the Bolin Creek bridge, the street consists of two separate one-way travel lanes separated by a grassed median. A 10-foot wide multi use path parallels the street on its south side.
Staff were alerted to community concerns in the fall of 2022 that each afternoon, many parents were parking at the Homestead end of E. Winmore Avenue to avoid the pick up line at Chapel Hill High School. This parking effectively blocks the exit from E. Wimore Avenue, significantly restricting egress from the Winmore neighborhood.
An amendment to the Town Code is needed to establish parking prohibitions along the street. A draft ordinance has been prepared for this purpose (Attachment A). Based on the street width, streetside conditions and use, the amendment establishes a parking prohibition from Jewell Drive to Homestead Road. A location map showing sign locations is included (Attachment B).
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: Funding to finalize an amendment to the Town Code and install signs (approximately $300) is.included within the Town's current operating budget.
RECOMMENDATION:r The Town Manager recommends that the Town Council approve the Town Code amendment establishing parking prohibitions on E...
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