TITLE: Title
Continuation of Discussion on Proposed General Use Zoning Strategy for NSA Implementation
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to hone in further on details relating to a possible new mixed-use zoning classification as part of the strategy to implement recommendations from the Northern Study Area Plan Implementation Review Committee (NSAPIRC).
CONTACT INFORMATION: Christina Moon - 919-918-7325; Patricia McGuire - 919-918-7327; Mike Brough - 919-929-3905
INFORMATION: Since the presentation of the design workshop concept plans during the winter of 2011-2012, the Board has held two work sessions to begin to formulate a possible new general use zoning district to implement the recommendations of the NSAPIRC for mixed-use development opportunities in the Northern Study Area. At the first discussion on January 14, 2014, the Board considered a staff proposal for a new zoning classification, tentatively named Mixed Use Rural-Transition District (MURT) following the framework of the existing Office/Residential Mixed Use District (OR-MU). Staff also provided sample language for the MURT district that responded to the existing rural landscape through open space, screening and buffer requirements. (Information from the meeting can be found at: https://carrboro.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=278049&GUID=9338808C-AF83-4BD4-A2B8-6B1DB90A1C52&Options=info|&Search= ).
At the June 10, 2014 work session, the Board begin a more in-depth conversation relating to the appropriateness of specific land uses, building massing and height. Considerable discussion focused on potential commercial uses and their target markets-surrounding residents, commuters traveling the I-40 corridor and/or a larger regional market. The Board asked staff to meet with the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce to better ensure the likelihood that proposed commercial uses would be a good fit. On September 30th Town staff met with Kris...
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