TITLE: Title
Authorization of the Town Manager to Execute a revised Memorandum of Agreement to accept a Transportation Demand Management grant funds
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to provide Council an update on the status of the TDM grant and to consider authorizing the Town Manager to enter into a revised MOA.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Zachary Hallock, 919-918-7329, zhallock@townofcarrboro.org <mailto:zhallock@townofcarrboro.org>; Trish McGuire, 919-918-7327, pmcguire@townofcarrboro.org <mailto:pmcguire@townofcarrboro.org>
The Town Council authorized the Town Manager to execute the MOA for FY20-21 was previously approved on January 20, 2020. More information can be found at:
Town of Carrboro - File #: 19-380 <https://carrboro.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4310394&GUID=7048078D-07E2-4B0D-945B-D602458407ED&Options=ID%7CText%7CAttachments%7COther%7C&Search=Transportation+Demand+Management&FullText=1>
Due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown, the allocation of the grant had been reduced from a total value of $5,500 (with a $2,750 local match) to a total value of $3,000 (with a $1,500 local match).
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: The total value of the grant is $1,500 and requires a local match of $1,500, which is provided through in-kind, services (staff time). This staff time is a portion of the Transportation Planner’s time that is spent on TDM activities, plus any documented expenses related to the annual Open Streets event.
RECOMMENDATION:r Staff recommend Council consider the resolution (Attachment A) authorizing the Town Manager to execute the revised MOA.