TITLE: Title
Appointment to the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA)
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Town Council to consider a reappointment/appointment to the OWASA.
DEPARTMENT: Clerk’s Office
CONTACT INFORMATION: Lamar Joyner, 919-918-7309
INFORMATION: The OWASA Board of Directors is made up of a nine-members. Chapel Hill Town Council appoints five board members, Carrboro Town Council appoints two board members, and the Orange County Board of Commissioners appoints two board members. The OWASA Board adopts the annual budget; sets rates, fees and charges based on cost-of-service principles; approves bond issues to fund capital projects; makes policy decisions; and appoints the Executive Director, General Counsel, and independent auditor.
Melody Kramer’s partial term as a Board Member of the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) will expire on June 30, 2024. Ms. Kramer took her Oath of Office on July 12, 2022, served one partial term.
OWASA recommends the reappointment of Melody Kramer to a full three-year term.
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: There is no fiscal or staff impact associated with the appointment.
RECOMMENDATION:r Staff recommends approval.