TITLE: Title
Short-term American Rescue Plan Act Funding Plan Authorization
PURPOSE: To authorize staff to implement a short-term program for distributing up to $2,359,525 of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds immediately while developing a long-term plan.
DEPARTMENT: Economic Development, Finance, and Housing & Community Services
CONTACT INFORMATION: Jon Hartman-Brown, 919-391-7846, JHartman-Brown@TownofCarrboro.org - Rebecca Buzzard, 919-918-7438, rbuzzard@townofcarrboro.org - Arche McAdoo, 919-918-7439, AMcAdoo@TownofCarrboro.org
INFORMATION: Economic Development Related: The Town anticipates receiving American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds from the state by early July and staff believe getting these funds to our local business community as soon as possible will help them recover and adapt to a post-COVID-19 environment more quickly. To this end, ED Staff are requesting that up to $300,000 of the ARPA Funds be approved for a grant program to be developed by staff during the summer break. We expect the framework of the grant to be as follows:
Minimum criteria for applying: must have been in business before July 1, 2020 and business license address must be in Carrboro Town limits.
Priorities (based on points): Tourism based business (restaurants, bars, breweries, entertainment venues), BIPOC Business, businesses within 500 feet of the 203 Project, businesses matching these grant funds, businesses in Carrboro for more than 5 years, businesses with 2 locations or less, and certified living wage employers.
Eligible grant fund uses: Marketing and advertising; training new under- or un-skilled employees; back rent and utilities; COVID-19 loan repayment; capital expenditures to adapt business to a post-COVID-19 environment.
Human Services Related: The intent of the American Rescue Plan Act Funds (ARPA) is to mitigate the effects of COVID in communities. Many of our community nonprofits have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to support indiv...
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