File #: 13-0324    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/5/2013 In control: Board of Aldermen
On agenda: 6/25/2013 Final action: 6/25/2013
Title: Public Hearing to amend the Land Use Ordinance Relating to the Location of Dwellings to be Occupied by More than Four Unrelated Persons, Parking Requirements and Related Issues. PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Board to consider amending the Land Use Ordinance relating to the location of dwelling units to be occupied by more than four unrelated persons. A draft ordinance has been prepared along with an alternative version. The Board must receive public comments before taking action on (either) draft ordinance.
Attachments: 1. Attachments A-C_Resolutions, 2. Attachment D_Cover Memo & Draft Ordinances, 3. Attachment E_LUO ART-XVIII, Parking, 4. Attachment F_Comments from Orange County & Advisory Boards
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TITLE: Title
Public Hearing to amend the Land Use Ordinance Relating to the Location of Dwellings to be Occupied by More than Four Unrelated Persons, Parking Requirements and Related Issues.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Board to consider amending the Land Use Ordinance relating to the location of dwelling units to be occupied by more than four unrelated persons. A draft ordinance has been prepared along with an alternative version. The Board must receive public comments before taking action on (either) draft ordinance.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Christina Moon - 919-7325; Mike Brough - 929-3905; Patricia McGuire - 918-7327

INFORMATION: Section 15-321 of the Land Use Ordinance (LUO) provides for the Board of Aldermen to initiate amendments to the LUO and for the Town Attorney to, in consultation with the Planning Department, draft appropriate ordinances for Board consideration. At the May 7, 2013 Board of Aldermen meeting the Town Attorney, in response to a Board request, provided information related to HB 150 under consideration by the General Assembly and provided suggestions to address issues associated with the construction of duplexes containing more than three bedrooms. The Town Attorney also prepared two draft ordinance amendments for the Board's consideration.

The Board requested follow up on the second draft amendment which if adopted would establish the definition of a dormitory dwelling unit, adding the new use to the Table of Permissible Uses and identifying four zoning districts where the use could occur subject to a conditional use permit. The Board also asked for two potential modifications to the draft ordinance: 1) to add language to require on-site parking to be located in a defined parking area and 2) to provide alternative language whereby the number of parking spaces would be controlled by a maximum number (cap) rather than a minimum number.

Based on these comments the Town Atto...

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