TITLE: Title
Appointment to the Stormwater Advisory Commission
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Town Council to make appointments to the Stormwater Advisory Commission.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Cathy Dorando, 919-918-7309
INFORMATION: The Stormwater Advisory Commission currently has two vacant seats and three first term expiration seats.
Applications were received from Gordon Chadwick, Satya Kallepalli, Aja Kelleher, and Margot Lester. Jeanette O’Conner (chair), Michael Paul, and John Cox all have first terms expiring and have indicated the desire to be reappointed. Satya Kallepalli is currently serving on the Greenways Commission but has indicated the desire to serve on the Stormwater Advisory Commission rather than the Greenways Commission. Margot and Satya have been attending Stormwater Advisory Commission meetings for over a year without being official members.
Jeanette O’Connor is the chair of the Stormwater Advisory Commission and provided the chair forms for the Council’s review. Chair forms are located directly in front of the application.
Town Council members are encouraged to review the Advisory Board Recruitment and Appointment Policy <http://townofcarrboro.org/DocumentCenter/View/5358/Town-of-Carrboro-Advisory-Board-Recruitment-and-Appointment-Policy->.
All applicant and chair information is attached.
A matrix is also included.
RECOMMENDATION:r It is recommended that the Mayor and Council review the applications and consider making appointments.