TITLE: Title
Contract Amendment for Engineering Services with Kimley-Horn for the Homestead Road -Chapel Hill High School Multi-Use Path
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Board of Aldermen to consider approving an amendment to the contract with Kimley-Horn for engineering services for the Homestead Road-Chapel Hill High School Multi-Use Path.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Christina Moon - 919-918-7325; Bergen Watterson - 919-918-7329; Patricia McGuire - 919-918-7327
INFORMATION: At the November 22, 2011 regular meeting, the Board of Aldermen awarded a contract for preliminary engineering to Kimley-Horn and Associates for the design of the Homestead Road- Chapel Hill High School Multi-use Path (TIP# U-4726-DE) also known as Phase 1B of the Bolin Creek Greenway. A copy of the Conceptual Master Plan for the Bolin Creek Greenway may be found at <http://nc-carrboro.civicplus.com/739/Greenways>.
The original contract amount was for $130,485.22. Unique circumstances have led to increased costs associated with the project relating to details of the pedestrian bridge crossing, finalizing three bid packets (construction plans and specification manual), revisions to project design review requirements at NCDOT, and participation in pre-bid meetings. The revised cost for the contract is $160,169.06. Staff recommends increasing that amount by $16,016.90, an additional 10%, to cover any unforeseen expenditures that may affect project completion. The new total would be $176,185.00.
A resolution provided as Attachment A, authorizes the additional funds.
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: With the contract amendment and additional 10%, the total amount allocated to the contract with Kimley-Horn for engineering services would increase from $130,485.22 to $176,185.00.
RECOMMENDATION:r Staff recommends that the Board of Aldermen approve the resolution in Attachment A authorizing the contract amendment.