File #: 23-207    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/13/2023 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 6/27/2023 Final action:
Title: Request to Authorize the Town Manager to Accept a Safe Routes to School Non-Infrastructure Grant from the North Carolina Department of Transportation PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Town Council to consider authorizing the Town Manager to accept the award of a 2023 Safe Routes to School Non-Infrastructure Grant from the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
Attachments: 1. A - Resolution - SRTS GRANT, 2. B - Pocket Questions - SRTS Grant.pdf
Request to Authorize the Town Manager to Accept a Safe Routes to School Non-Infrastructure Grant from the North Carolina Department of Transportation

PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Town Council to consider authorizing the Town Manager to accept the award of a 2023 Safe Routes to School Non-Infrastructure Grant from the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Christina Moon, Planning Administrator, 919-918-7325,; Patricia McGuire, Planning Director, 919-918-7327,
Council Direction
___ Race/Equity ____ Climate _X_ Comprehensive Plan __X_Other
Council Direction Statement
This agenda item is necessary for the Town to accept the award of the grant and to enter into a municipal agreement with NCDOT to receive funding. Safe Routes to School is an important national program that promotes walking, biking, and rolling to school to encourage physical activity and healthy lifestyles at a young age, activities that further the Town's efforts toward Racial Equity and Climate Action. Racial Equity Pocket Questions are completed in Attachment B. ]
INFORMATION: On April 12, 2023, staff received notice that the Town's application for a 2023 Safe Routes to School Non-Infrastructure grant had been selected for funding. The Town has been awarded a grant of $89,349 with no required local match.
Funds from the grant will be used to update the Town's adopted Safe Routes to School Strategic Action Plan, to include Morris Grove Elementary School and McDougle Middle School, update demographic information and begin to conduct travel audits to inform possible walk/bike to school routes. The adopted plan may be found here: Carrboro staff will continue to work with staff at Chapel Hill and the Chapel Hill Carrboro City School System (C...

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