TITLE: Title
Discussion of Estes Drive and N. Greensboro St. Intersection Improvements
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Board of Aldermen to discuss proposed improvements to the Estes Drive/N. Greensboro St. intersection and provide comments to NCDOT.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Bergen Watterson, 919-918-7329, bwatterson@townofcarrboro.org
INFORMATION: At the May 10, 2016 Board of Aldermen meeting, staff from NCDOT discussed the status and timeline for the improvements at the Estes Drive and North Greensboro Street intersection. NCDOT and their consultant, SEPI Engineering, worked through the summer and fall to evaluate existing conditions in the study area and come up with a potential design for a roundabout. They held a public meeting on November 14th at Town Hall and allowed participants to ask questions and fill out comment cards. The information from the meeting, including comment cards and staff contact information, is available online for interested residents who were unable to attend the meeting (meeting materials can be seen in Attachment B).
The Transportation Advisory Board discussed the proposed intersection improvements at their November 17th meeting and came up with a set of comments and recommendations to submit to NCDOT. The recommendations cover safety concerns, including improving pedestrian safety in the crosswalks, improving street lighting, lowering speed limit on N. Greensboro both east and west of the roundabout, and reducing lane widths. They also recommend several improvements to bicycle traffic, including extending the bike lane up to the roundabout on both sides of N. Greensboro, delineating bicycle/pedestrian traffic on the multiuse path, and adding curb cuts and bollards at the end of the Frances Shetley Bikeway. Finally, the TAB recommends that the roundabout itself be landscaped and/or decorated to enhance the aesthetic of this gateway into Town.
The public comment period for this interse...
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