TITLE: Title
Update on Town Race and Equity Initiatives
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to provide an update on town race and equity initiatives.
DEPARTMENT: Town Managers Office
CONTACT INFORMATION: Anita Jones-McNair, Chief Race and Equity Officer, amcnair@carrboronc.gov <mailto:amcnair@carrboronc.gov>, 919.918.7381
INFORMATION: Anita Jones-McNair, Chief and Equity Officer, provided a race and equity update to the Town Council on February 1, 2022 when the One Orange Racial Equity Framework was adopted. This recap of the town’s race and equity initiatives is in preparation of the upcoming Council retreat and in response to Council Member Foushee’s request for an update.
On October 9, 2018, the Town Council voted to join the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE). Attachment A covers highlights from 2018 to 2021. Attachment B includes accomplishments from last year, 2022.
In 2023, all town employees are participating in Decision Making for Racial Equity (DRE) Training this month. The One Orange Racial Equity Jurisdictional Team are having follow-up meetings to discuss implementation of the One Orange Racial Equity Framework which all Orange County governing bodies have adopted. The team is comprised of employees responsible for leading race and equity initiatives in each jurisdiction. Town staff will also work on a race and equity action plan that will connect town initiatives.
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this update.
RECOMMENDATION:r The Town Council is requested to accept the race and equity update.