File #: 17-297    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 9/27/2017 In control: Board of Aldermen
On agenda: 10/3/2017 Final action:
Title: Community Climate Action Plan Implementation Update PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to update the Board on Community Climate Action Plan implementation efforts.
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Implementation Plan Overview, 2. Attachment B - Progress Update for Board 10-3-17
Date Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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TITLE: Title
Community Climate Action Plan Implementation Update

PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to update the Board on Community Climate Action Plan implementation efforts.
DEPARTMENT: Planning Department

CONTACT INFORMATION: Trish McGuire, Planning, Zoning, and Inspections Director,; 919-918-7327

INFORMATION: In 2001, the Carrboro Board of Aldermen joined the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign and committed to develop and implement a local action plan to reduce greenhouse gas and air polluting emissions (see page 11 at In 2009, after completing an inventory of local greenhouse gas emissions with Orange County and Chapel Hill, the Board passed a resolution committing the Town to take steps to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in relation to the CO2 limit of 350 parts per million (ppm; see page 12 at In doing so, and through work both before and after the resolution, the Town has joined a group of more than 1,000 municipalities around the world taking action. A town-specific inventory was completed in 2011 (, the annual tracking of greenhouse gas emissions of Town activities got underway in 2013, and a Strategic Energy and Climate Action Plan for Town functions and service provision was accepted in 2014 (

In the fall of 2014, Carrboro held a series of 3 forums related to climate action planning. Shortly thereafter, a Task Force was created and began work drafting a Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP). Drafts of the plan were presented to the Board of Aldermen and Carrboro advisory boards and a public hearing on the plan was held in 2016. ...

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