File #: 13-0513    Name: FD Certification Roster 2014
Type: Agendas Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 12/16/2013 In control: Board of Aldermen
On agenda: 3/1/2016 Final action:
Title: Certification of Carrboro Fire-Rescue Department Roster PURPOSE: To satisfy North Carolina General Statute 58-86-25, which requires all certified fire departments to annually submit a complete roster of its qualified fire personnel to the North Carolina Firemen's Pension Fund. The roster must be signed by a representative of the Department's governing body.
Attachments: 1. FD Roster Resolution 1-14.pdf, 2. 2013 FD Certifcation Roster.pdf
TITLE: Title
Certification of Carrboro Fire-Rescue Department Roster
PURPOSE:  To satisfy North Carolina General Statute 58-86-25, which requires all certified fire departments to annually submit a complete roster of its qualified fire personnel to the North Carolina Firemen's Pension Fund.  The roster must be signed by a representative of the Department's governing body.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Travis Crabtree, Fire Chief
INFORMATION: It is the responsibility of the Fire Chief and the Board of Aldermen to certify that the personnel listed on the roster have received a minimum of 36 hours of training for the calendar year.  The roster is used to determine eligibility for line-of-duty death benefits from the NC State Firemen's Association and to verify enrollment in the Firemen's and Rescue Squad Worker's Pension Fund.  The attached roster lists the name and status of each firefighter.
RECOMMENDATION:r The Town staff recommends that the Board of Aldermen adopt the attached resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the certification.