File #: 24-220    Name:
Type: Information Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/31/2025 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Update on Transportation Projects PURPOSE: To provide the Town Council with a status report on a number of local transportation projects that are underway or close to being initiated.
Attachments: 1. A - Resolution for Transportation Projects_2-11-2025.pdf, 2. B - Transportation Projects Update February 18, 2025 Worksession.pdf, 3. C - Presentation.pdf


Update on Transportation Projects


PURPOSE: To provide the Town Council with a status report on a number of local transportation projects that are underway or close to being initiated.





Council Direction


__X_ Race/Equity   __X__ Climate   __X__ Comprehensive Plan _X___Other

Council Direction Statement

Many of the projects and programs discussed in the update are identified as priorities in the Comprehensive Plan, Bike Plan, Safe Routes to School Plan or greenway conceptual master plans.  Improvements to the bike-ped network provides multimodal travel options for those with limited access to a vehicle and/or different abilities thereby advancing Town interest toward Race and Equity.  Providing realistic alternatives for driving in a single occupancy vehicle (SOV) advances the Town’s Climate Action goals. 



INFORMATION: The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the Town Council with information relating to the status of transportation programs and infrastructure projects occurring throughout the Town.  The last presentation on transportation projects was provided in February 2024.  Written updates are posted on the transportation landing page of the Planning & Inspection website (Transportation Projects | Carrboro, NC - Official Website <>); additional information may be found on the Town Story Map (Current Town Projects <>).  The transportation project report is provided in a table format and includes a brief description of the project, an update on the status/next steps and information relating to how the project extends the overall transportation network.





Fiscal and Staff Impact

FISCAL IMPACT: There is not fiscal impact for receiving the update.



RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Town Council approve the resolution receiving the update. 
