TITLE: Title
Consideration of a Resolution Setting the Public Hearing for The ArtsCenter Special Use Permit-A (SUP-A) located at 400 Roberson Street.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to schedule the public hearing for The ArtsCenter SUP-A for May 24th, 2022
DEPARTMENT: Planning Department
CONTACT INFORMATION: James Thomas, Planner / Zoning Development Specialist email: jthomas@carrboronc.gov phone: (919) 918-7335
INFORMATION: CJT, PA have submitted an application for a Special Use Permit-A (SUP-A) for The ArtsCenter to be located at 400 Roberson Street (Attachment B).
The applicant intends to utilize the existing building at this property with little to no exterior changes to the existing building or property.
The subject property is zoned B1-G with the NPD (Neighborhood Preservation District) overlay district and the total acre for the lot is 2.03 acres (84,427sf) and is listed on
the Orange County Parcel Identification Number 9778-95-2758.
A resolution setting a public hearing for May 24th, 2022 is included as Attachment A.
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: None associated with setting the hearing.
RECOMMENDATION:r It is recommended that the Town Council adopt the resolution setting the public hearing for May 24th, 2022.