TITLE: Title
Cultural Arts and Creativity District Planning Process Update
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to provide a status update concerning the Cultural Arts and Creativity District planning process.
DEPARTMENT: Recreation & Parks, Planning and Community & Economic Development
CONTACT INFORMATION: Anita Jones-McNair - 918-7381, Patricia McGuire - 918-7327 and Annette Stone - 918-7319
INFORMATION: The committee has been involved in gathering and sharing community feedback. Since the last update on 11/19/ 13, five community meetings have taken place, an artist survey, question/answer exchange on Engage Carrboro, a site visit to Reading, Pennsylvania, and the development of a project logo, website, Facebook page and creative business listing.
In June the committee received notification that the district project will not receive National Endowment for the Arts grant funding. Art Menius had an opportunity to speak to a NEA representative concerning the application. The comments are attached.
Also, Art Menius, the Executive Director of the ArtsCenter plans to retire the end of August. He served on the planning committee and because the ArtsCenter was designated the lead agency for this project, managed specific planning activities. During the transition, town staff and other steering committee members will assume the various roles.
The planning committee will continue moving forward with this project. ...
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