TITLE: Title
Fiscal Year 2014-15 Human Service Agency Funding
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is for the Board of Aldermen to consider the funding allocation recommendations for the Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Human Services funding.
DEPARTMENT: Economic & Community Development
CONTACT INFORMATION: Annette D. Stone, AICP 919-918-7319
INFORMATION: The Town Manager's recommended budget includes an allocation of $200,000 to be distributed to local non-profit agencies providing services to the citizens of Carrboro. Over a period of several months, the applications for funding were reviewed by the Human Services Advisory Board. There were a total of 51 applications received, and requests for funding exceeded $286,000. The Human Services Advisory Board recommended funding for the applicants is included with this item as Attachment 2.
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: The staff impact of this item is related to the processing and distribution of grants to non-profit agencies. The Fiscal Impact is the use of funds included in the FY2014-2015 budget for the purpose of supporting Human Service Advisory Board.
RECOMMENDATION:r Staff recommends that the Board of Aldermen consider the recommendations of Human Service Advisory Board.