TITLE: Title
Public hearing on Land Use Ordinance Amendments Relating to Construction Management Plans
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Board of Aldermen to consider amending the Land Use Ordinance requiring Construction Management Plans for development projects meeting certain criteria. A draft ordinance has been prepared. The Board must receive public comments before taking action on the draft ordinance.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Christina Moon 919-918-7325; Marty Roupe 919-918-7333; Patricia McGuire 919-918-7327; Mike Brough 919-929-3905
INFORMATION: At its June 11, 2013 meeting, the Board of Aldermen directed staff to prepare a draft amendment to the Land Use Ordinance (LUO) or to the Town Code regarding the mitigation of construction projects. Discussion focused on five main topics: 1) manager involvement in construction management plan approval, 2) meetings with neighboring property owners and businesses, 3) penalties for violations, 4) applicability for residential development projects, and 5) review of the Styrofoam issues that occurred at 300 East Main Street during the construction of the hotel and which led to the consideration of a construction management plan requirement.
At its October 1st meeting, staff reviewed the five points from June 11th and presented the Board with a draft amendment to the LUO designed to address the first four points of concern. Staff is researching potential health concerns related to item five - the use of EIFS as a building material. Information from the Board's October 1, 2013 meeting may be found at https://carrboro.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx. The draft ordinance was presented at the November 7th Joint Review meeting and was submitted to Orange County. Town advisory boards submitted a number of comments regarding the proposed amendment and recommended additional language to address their concerns:
* Providing a more specific trigger for when the cons...
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