TITLE: Title
Request to Authorize the Town Manager to Sign Carr Mill Office Space Lease
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to authorize the Town Manager to sign a three-year office lease agreement with Carr Mill Mall Limited Partnership.
DEPARTMENT: Town Manager's Office
CONTACT INFORMATION: Richard White, Town Manager, RWhite@CarrboroNC.gov; 919.918.7315
INFORMATION: In the FY23 Budget, the Town Council approved five new full-time positions including an Assistant Town Manager, Chief Race and Equity Officer, Race and Equity Manager, Grants Manager, and Assistant to the Town Manager, and converted the part-time Communication and Engagement Specialist position to a full-time position. Due to the limited office space available in Town Hall, staff searched for temporary office space outside of Town Hall including Bim Street, CommunityWorx, Carr Mill Mall, and the South Sheryl-Mar Building.
Carr Mill Mall currently has a 1,500 square foot suite that will meet the Town's office space needs. Housing and Community Services, Economic Development, Race and Equity, and Communication and Engagement staff will move to this new space, if approved.
Staff anticipates this move and office lease to be temporary (estimated to be three years) until the 203 Project and the Town Hall renovation can be completed. The lease includes off-site parking and utilities. The Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Assistant to the Town Manager, and the Grants Manager will occupy the Town Hall offices.
At the December 6, 2022 Town Council Meeting, the Council voted to table this item and requested that the Town Manager and Barbara Jessie-Black, CommunityWorx President and CEO, revisit the office space options and associated costs. On January 3, 2023, Ms. Jessie-Black submitted a revised plan (Attachment B) and associated costs for approximately 1,610 square feet, a reduction from the original 2,409 square feet and multiplier for shared space. The revised plan provide...
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