TITLE: Title
Carrboro Business Alliance report on Think Local First Campaign
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to update the Board of the progress of the Think Local First Committee meetings held during the summer break.
DEPARTMENT: Economic and Community Development
INFORMATION: The Think Local First committee appointed by the Board in June (dubbed the Think Tank!) has been meeting every Tuesday this summer since July 15th. The committee has developed a short document, 'A Plan for Implementing a Think Local First Campaign,' (Attachment A). A major component of the plan is to organize a Carrboro Business Alliance. Organizing businesses to work together, synergizing events and business opportunities is a primary focus of the Alliance. In addition, the committee used Engage Carrboro to do a short survey of people's attitudes about buying local (Attachment C).Clay Schossow of New Media Campaigns (located on East Main Street) has taken a leadership role and will be presenting the report.
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: Funds for implementation of this project have been budgeted for within the Economic and Community Development budget
RECOMMENDATION:r The recommendation is for the Board of accept the report.