Title: Approval of the 2024-2025 HOME Investment Partnership Program Annual Plan
PURPOSE: This item is for the Town Council to consider approving the HOME Investment Partnership Program's Annual Plan activities for FY 2024-2025.
DEPARTMENT: Housing and Community Services
CONTACT INFORMATION: Anne-Marie Vanaman, Director, 919-918-7321, amvanaman@carrboronc.gov; Tyler Haugle, Coordinator, 919-918-7438, thaugle@carrboronc.gov
Council Direction
___ Race/Equity ____ Climate __X__ Comprehensive Plan ____Other
Council Direction Statement
These activities support the following goals and strategies outline in the Comprehensive Plan:
1.) Strategy 2.1: Continue to support rental housing development through the Affordable Housing Fund and leveraging other resources. (such as HOME funding)
a. Invest in rental housing projects that provide additional units for targeted income groups up to 60% AMI and historically marginalized communities. Expand the toolbox of affordable housing incentives by developing greater incentives for rental units that meet lower income levels at the 30% and 60% AMI levels.
2.) Strategy 2.2: Create targeted rental programs for extremely low-income households (less than 30% AMI).
a. Work with Orange County to support programs that expand use of vouchers and landlord acceptance of housing vouchers. Participate in the County's efforts to educate landlords on the benefits of accepting vouchers and non-discrimination based on source of income. Refer residents to the County to coordinate ongoing services to voucher-holders to assist them in workforce training, career development, accessing day care, elder care, health care, etc. so that they can build household earnings and therefore more stable housing over time.
3.) Strategy 5.2: Help extremely low-income households and people experiencing homelessness transition to permanent affordable housing.
a. A. Help those experiencing homelessnes...
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