File #: 14-0168    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Public Hearing
File created: 5/15/2014 In control: Board of Aldermen
On agenda: 5/20/2014 Final action:
Title: Public Hearing on Town Manager's Recommended Budget for FY 2014-15 PURPOSE: To hold a public hearing on the Town Manager's recommended budget for the upcoming fiscal year as required by G. S. 159-12 (b).
Attachments: 1. Notice of Public Hearing
Date Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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TITLE: Title
Public Hearing on Town Manager's Recommended Budget for FY 2014-15
PURPOSE:  To hold a public hearing on the Town Manager's recommended budget for the upcoming fiscal year as required by G. S. 159-12 (b).
DEPARTMENT: Town Manager
CONTACT INFORMATION: David L. Andrews, 918-7315 and Arche L. McAdoo 918-7439
INFORMATION: The Manager presented his recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15 to the Board of Aldermen on May 13, 2014.  To ensure that the public has access to the budget document and is aware of the public hearing, G.S. 159-12 (a) requires the Town Clerk to have the budget document available for public inspection until the budget ordinance is adopted.  The document is also available on the Town's website at
The statute also requires the Town Clerk to make a copy of the budget available to all news media in the county and to publish a statement that the budget has been submitted to the governing board, and is available for public inspection.  The statement must also give notice of the time and place of the budget public hearing.   Attached is the notice of the public hearing published by the Town Clerk in the Herald Sun and aired on WCHL-Radio.
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: The total recommended budget for FY 2014-15 is $29.4 million.
RECOMMENDATION:. The Board is requested to receive comments from the public on the recommended budget and provide directions to the Town Manager for preparation of the final budget ordinance for FY 2014-15.