TITLE: Title
Comprehensive Plan Implementation Status Report
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the Town Council with an update on the status of the recently adopted Carrboro Connects Comprehensive Plan 2022-2042.
DEPARTMENT: Planning, Zoning, Inspections
CONTACT INFORMATION: Trish McGuire, Planning Director, pmcguire@carrboronc.gov; 919-918-7327
INFORMATION: On June 7, 2022, the Carrboro Town Council adopted Carrboro Connects Comprehensive Plan 2022-2042 ("Carrboro Connects") and concluded an approximately two-year planning process of community engagement with thousands of residents and business members.
The plan has been the focus of some recognition, including an NC3C Excellence in Communications Award and the American Planning Association-North Carolina Chapter (APA-NC)? First Place Award for Citizen Participation? Marvin Collins Award for Comprehensive Plan.
Carrboro Connects is a complete policy document that describes the type of community that Carrboro wants to be in the future with an implementation schedule to achieve that vision. Built on a long history of the Town's values for community building, economic sustainability, and environmental stewardship, the plan also forged new territory in its explicit and extensive foundational commitment to advancing racial equity.
Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) principles were used and embedded in each step of the Carrboro Connects planning process, and the Town's adopted One Orange Racial Equity Framework as well as the One Orange Racial Equity Assessment Lens (REAL) are integral to implementing the goals, strategies, and projects identified in this plan. Racial equity analyses will be completed in relation to all plan implementation.
Since plan adoption, initial steps have focused on establishing systems that will support successful implementation and will allow clear communication on actions and progress. These steps have ...
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