File #: 23-192    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/1/2023 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 6/20/2023 Final action:
Title: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Carrboro Town Code Related to Employee Benefits PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the Town Council amend the personnel policy to reflect proposed benefit changes for Town employees.
Attachments: 1. Attachment A: FY23-24ProposedBenefit_PolicyChanges_Council, 2. Attachment B: FY23-24_BenefitChanges_Ordinance
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Carrboro Town Code Related to Employee Benefits

PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the Town Council amend the personnel policy to reflect proposed benefit changes for Town employees.
DEPARTMENT: Human Resources
CONTACT INFORMATION: Julie Eckenrode, Human Resources Director
Council Direction
_X__ Race/Equity ____ Climate _X___ Comprehensive Plan ____Other
Council Direction Statement
The proposed amendments address several equity and inclusivity issues related to benefits. Additionally, this item addresses Chapter 10 of the comprehensive plan, specifically goal 2 under the Human Resources section.
After the implementation of the compensation and classification study completed in 2022, the Human Resources Department conducted a comprehensive benefits review consisting of three main components: a) benchmarking the Town's current benefits against eleven (11) peer and competitor organizations b) employee listening sessions c) employee focus groups. From this review, six recommended changes require amendments to Carrboro Town Code Chapter 4 (Attachment A). A brief explanation of each is below.
Section 4-8 Definitions
The proposed amendments will expand the definition of immediate family to be more inclusive of various family structures.

Section 4-39 Group Health and Hospitalization Insurance
The proposed amendments will remove a delineation in qualified retirees hired before and after 2007. All qualified retirees, according to the policy, will have access to the Town's medical insurance.

Section 4-54 Annual Leave: Use by Probationary Employees
The proposed amendments will allow our Fire-Rescue and Police department sworn employees to use annual (vacation) leave after six months employment in line with all other Town employees.

Section 4-62 Sick Leave: Accrual Rat...

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