TITLE: Title
Funding Request from Orange County Food Council
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Board to consider a request for funding from the Orange County Food Council
DEPARTMENT: Economic and Community Development
CONTACT INFORMATION: Annette Lafferty, AICP Economic and Community Development Director (919) 918-7319 alafferty@townofcarrboro.org
INFORMATION: The Orange County Food Council submitted an application to the Human Services Advisory Commission for consideration in the FY 2017-18 budget. (Attachment A). However, the Board of Aldermen directed staff to allocate funding for OCFC outside of the Human Services funding and requested that the Board be allowed to review the request and act on it separately. Also attached find the most recent roster of board members (Attachment B) and current activities (Attachment C).
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: OCFC is requesting $3000.00 in funding in the FY 2017-18 budget from Carrboro.
RECOMMENDATION:r Staff recommends the Board consider the request.