File #: 13-0340    Name:
Type: Agendas Status: Other Matters
File created: 6/11/2013 In control: Board of Aldermen
On agenda: 6/30/2013 Final action:
Title: Affordable Housing PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to receive an update on the work of the Affordable Housing Task Force.
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Affordable Housing Task Force Update.pdf, 2. Attachment B - Affordable Housing Report to BOA FINAL.pdf, 3. Attachment C- 1 - Census tract_housinginfo_estimates (2).pdf, 4. Companion Map to Attachment C- Census Tracts and Multi-family in Carrboro.pdf, 5. Attachment D-1 highlights_Two DCRP studies (3).pdf, 6. Attachment D-2WORKSHOP FINAL REPORT 5-1-2013.pdf, 7. Attachment D-3 UNC_Report-Transportation_Management.pdf, 8. Attachment E - CNT Report LosingGround.FINAL.pdf, 9. Attachment F - Affordable_Housing_Chronology.pdf, 10. Attachment G - HOMEconsortiumfunding_Overview_upto2013_2014.pdf
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TITLE: Title
Affordable Housing
PURPOSE:  The purpose of this agenda item is to receive an update on the work of the Affordable Housing Task Force.  
CONTACT INFORMATION: Patricia McGuire -; Ashley Brown -
INFORMATION:  The Board's Affordable Housing Task Force met from July to November 2012 (see report at - Item D.1) to discuss how/whether changes to the affordable housing density bonus provisions should be made ( - page 18).   The task force had indicated an interest in other actions as well, beyond the provisions of the Land Use Ordinance.   Following receipt of a report from the Planning Board on dialogue sessions held in 2012 ( and (Item E.1) and page 6 of the meeting minutes at , the Board of Aldermen responded to information provided on the possible ownership of public housing.   Soon after, Board members decided to include affordable housing on the agenda for the annual retreat.  The retreat planning committee determined that the following materials should be provided to support the discussion:
  1. An update on the work of the Affordable Housing Task Force (Attachment A).
  2. Planning Board/Transportation Advisory Board report on the 2012 affordable housing dialogue sessions (Attachment B).
  3. Information from staff about the influence of student renters on housing affordability (Attachment C - Excerpts of American Community Survey data related to affordable housing).
  4. Information from staff about the relationship between transportation costs and housing affordability (see Attachments D -1to D-3, Attachment E,  and the Center for Neighborhood Technology Housing + Transportation Affordability Index at:  It should be noted that Attachment D-1 presents highlights of reports included in full as Attachments D-2 and D-3.  The first is the report “Housing and Transportation Affordability in Carrboro, North Carolina” prepared in spring 2013 by DCRP students in Professor Noreen MacDonald's workshop.  The second is the report “Examining the Changing Commute to UNC” prepared in spring 2010 by students in Professor Daniel Rodriguez' workshop.  
Some other materials are provided for reference:
  1. A chronology of actions/events that have focused on or responded to the interest in supporting affordable housing has also been compiled (Attachment F).
  2. An overview of HOME Consortium funding from 2008 to present (Attachment G).
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: None noted in relation to receipt of this update.
RECOMMENDATION:r Staff recommends that the Board of Aldermen consider the information provided, discuss, and provide directions to staff regarding any next steps.