TITLE: Title
Public Hearing on Space Needs Study and Town Buildings Condition Assessment
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the Mayor and Board members an opportunity to receive the final draft of a Space Needs Study and Town Buildings Condition Assessment.
DEPARTMENT: Town Manager and Planning
CONTACT INFORMATION: David Andrews - 919-918-7315, dandrews@townofcarrboro.org; Patricia McGuire - 919-918-7327 - pmcguire@townofcarrboro.org
INFORMATION: On September 27, 2016, the Board of Aldermen held a public hearing to receive an update on the Space Needs Study that was underway. Work has continued, including completion of a condition assessment of Town buildings. The project is now nearly finished and the Town’s consulting firm, Creech and Associates, is ready to report on its findings.
FISCAL & STAFF IMPACT: Fiscal and staff impacts of varying degrees are associated with maintenance and renovation of Town facilities.
RECOMMENDATION:r Staff recommends that the Board of Aldermen receive the report and accept public comment.